Town Center First
This build will allow you to get ahead of your opponent by securing an economic advantage early on, but is susceptible to early aggression.
- Start by sending your first 3 Villagers to your Hunt.
- Your fourth Villager (The first one you train) will build a Storehouse in your Woodline.
- Your fifth villager will go to your Hunt (4 total).
- Sixth and Seventh Villagers will go to your Woodline (3 total).

1. Start with your Hunt
- Eighth Villager will build a Storehouse at your starting Stone Mine.
- Ninth and Tenth Villagers will also go to your Stone Mine (3 total). Eleventh villager will go to your Wood (4 on Wood total) and the Twelvth villager will go your Stone Mine (4 total).
- As soon as you have 200 Food and 200 Wood you can age up. Take 2 Villagers from your Hunt and send one to your Woodline (5 total) and another to your Stone Mine (5 total).

2. Start mining Stone
- As soon as you age up you should have around 300 Wood and 300 Stone and you can build your 2nd Town Center.
- Take your 5 Villagers off of your Stone Mine and build your 2nd Town Center.
- While you are aging up, make sure to know where you are going to place it. It can be in a more defensive position, such as in range of your first Town Center, on your Woodline, Gold Mine or another resource. Alternatively if you know your opponent didn't make early Military Units you can build your 2nd Town Center a bit further away to secure some resources outside of your main base.

3. Build your Town Center
This build will need small variations if you play the Babylonians, due to the need to make extra Ox Carts but the timings are roughly the same and you can adjust your build with a little practice. Practice makes perfect!

1. Start with your Hunt

2. Start mining Stone

3. Build your Town Center