Dock First (Water Maps)
This build is more advanced than the previous two, and should be used only on maps with Water available. Use it only once you're comfortable with the previous builds.
In the Mountain Crossing map you can use your Dock as your first Wood Storehouse, placing it between to your Woodline and the lake behind you. You can build the dock with the fourth Villager, the initial three being on your closest Hunt.
Based on what resource you need the most, you can assign the who built the Dock to either gather from the Fish next to your Dock, or the Woodline next to it.

1. Build your Dock
On other maps like Inland, Oasis or Treasure Island you can build a fast Dock after your Hunt and Wood storehouse. You send your initial 3 Villagers to your Hunt, the fourth one to build a Storehouse on the Woodline.
The next Villagers that train of your Town Center will go to your Woodline. Once you have 100 Wood you can start sending a Villager to the shoreline, so once it gets there you have around 150 wood to build your dock.

2. Use your Dock as a dropoff
Some civilizations (such as the Babylonians) have docks that cost 200 wood, so send your Villager a bit later.
Alternatively, you can build your dock off of one Storehouse, sending your fourth Villager to build the dock and gather Wood around your Hunt Storehouse or around your Town Center.
Since Fishing Boats will provide you with a very high Food income, you can leave only 3 Villagers on your Hunt and send the rest of your Villagers to your Woodline. If your Dock gets attacked by your opponent, don't hesitate to use your Fishing Boats to repair it! They also have a Ranged Attack that can be used to buy time for you until you can train some Military Units of your own to defend against the incoming pressure.

3. Start training Fishing Boats
When using this build, pay attention to what your opponent is doing by Scouting them. If they are also going for a greedy strategy, you can start gathering Stone and make a Town Center in addition to your Dock, giving you lots of extra resources. But if your opponent is opting for a more aggressive strategy, be careful not to get overrun by the opponent's Military aggression before you have anything to defend with.

1. Build your Dock

2. Use your Dock as a dropoff

3. Start training Fishing Boats